The file should be named ‘S1_raw_images’ and uploaded as a Supporting Information file or deposited at a suitable publicly-available data repository, with the dataset identifier (DOI or other form of persistent identifier) provided in the Data Availability Statement.We do not recommend compiling the images in Powerpoint as resolution can be lost.
You could also use a PDF program to build a single PDF compiled from multiple annotated jpeg/tiff image files. Gimp, Photoshop) to compile and annotate the original images and then exporting/saving as a tiff file with LZW compression. Please create a single PDF file that contains all the original blot and gel images contained in the manuscript’s main figures and supplemental figures.Please follow these instructions when preparing and submitting blot/gel data files: Whilst it is not necessary to provide original images at time of initial submission, we will require these files during the peer review process or before a manuscript can be accepted. If you have questions about these requirements please email us at Original images for blots and gelsĪuthors must provide the original, uncropped and minimally adjusted images supporting all blot and gel results reported in an article’s figures and supporting information files. The figure preparation guidelines that follow clarify PLOS ONE standards and requirements, and aim to ensure the integrity and scientific validity of blot/gel data reporting. The original images also provide additional information for readers about background within the experiment and the specificity of reagents used. The underlying data requirement is in place to ensure that the results are reported in a fully transparent manner, and that readers can verify results by reviewing the primary data in its original form. The following requirements apply to any figures and supporting Information files that report blot or gel data.